US History
Instructor: Adam Nunley
Course Description
This course will offer a comprehensive view of American History from indigenous populations to the present. We will make use of a variety of primary sources as we gain a deeper appreciation for the crucial role that American History plays in our contemporary world. We will pay particular attention to persistent and recurring political, cultural and social issues such as the move toward independence, westward expansion, The Civil War, Industrialization, The World Wars, the Cold War Era and The Civil Rights Movement. Students will be given the opportunity to take a deeper dive in to key players or events that they find particularly intriguing. One of the key goals of this course is to give students an honest historical perspective of our country, which means acknowledging and honoring the numerous costs of becoming a world power.
Students are expected to come to class having read the assigned material. The textbooks for this course are engaging and informative, and will provide a basis for class discussion. Because we are covering so much history in such a short amount of time, it is important that students practice self-discipline in staying up to date on the required reading. Class lectures will involve discussion, videos, primary source documents and other tools to supplement and expand upon the course texts.
Course Materials
Everything You Need to Ace American History in One Big Fat Notebook. New York, Workman, 2016.
Zinn, Howard. A Young People’s History of the United States. New York, Seven Stories Press, 2009.
Small three ring binder with paper for note-taking and journaling assignments