Studio Art
Instructor: Jessi Goodwin
Course Description
This course is designed to encourage and support students in the development of their unique creative voice. An emphasis will be placed on traditional studio development in drawing, painting, sculpting, photography, and printmaking. Students will learn about constructive art criticism in a supportive and nurturing environment while developing their confidence and technical skills with composition, perception, color theory, figure drawing, shape, and form. The course will culminate in a portfolio collection and curated gallery exhibition.
Course Requirements
- Students will be required to develop and expand their skills in drawing, painting, printmaking, ceramic sculpture, mixed media collage, and digital photography.
- Standard art vocabulary will be introduced and referenced for each block of lessons.
- Students will practice oral communication skills through participation in critiques and discussions.
- Students will be expected to develop and maintain their portfolio throughout the school year, and will be required to write an artist’s statement and concentration summery to accompany their portfolio at the end of the year.
- Students will be provided a sketchbook which MUST BE BOUGHT TO CLASS EVERY WEEK!
- Students will maintain and continually update their sketchbook to be used for organizing and developing homework assignments throughout the school year. Sketchbook entries may include development of ideas, realistic drawings from observation, abstracts and distortions, practice sketches, warm-up assignments and concepts, and art journaling notes (including instructions, descriptions, examples, and classroom vocabulary).
- Students will participate in an end of year gallery show and reception where they will have the opportunity to exhibit 2-3 works completed throughout the course.
- Critiques of in-class projects and homework are an important and regular part of this course.
- Students will receive coaching on how to constructively provide artistic analysis for their peers using thoughtful and kind vocabulary that includes encouragement in addition to providing useful feedback.
- Constructive critiques from peers and the art teacher, as well as self reflection, will help each student improve skills, build confidence and develop new insight and creative ideas.
- Each student will display required assignments for the sake of group evaluations and to assist with the development of their portfolio collection.
- Progress checks and informal evaluations will also take place on a regular basis in order to keep students on track with their creative development.
Student Expectations
- This class is an opportunity for you to build new skills and advance your creative knowledge.
- The more effort you put in to the work you complete during this course, the more you will grow and develop as an artist.
- We will be working together to support one another, offering positive feedback and kind constructive critiques to help one another in the development of your unique artist’s voice.
- Every student is expected to participate in all critiques, discussions, and demonstrations.
- You are expected to show respect to everyone in the classroom (ESPECIALLY respecting your own art work)!
- You are responsible for cleaning up your work area and taking care of the materials and equipment you use during each and every lesson.
- Homework assignments will be completed on time and may be subject to peer review.
- You will be provided an 11x14” sketchbook/journal for use throughout the course, in which you will include your visual ideas, plans, notes, doodles, quick sketches, experiments with various techniques, and many of your homework assignments. You are expected to use it regularly. For the fullest benefit, it should be with you at all times, and should always accompany you to Studio Art classes.
Teacher Goals and Expectations
- To encourage and challenge Art Studio students
- To remind students to have FUN while exploring and experimenting with art concepts
- To emphasize that the creation of art is an ongoing process
- To foster each student’s ability to conceptualize, compose, and execute their creative vision(s)
- To provide ongoing dialogue and feedback during class time as needed
- To advise students of opportunities to showcase their work
- To serve as a coach and moderator in class critiques in order to keep the comments kind and constructive as well as working to personally provide each student with feedback of a helpful nature
- To organize an end of year reception and gallery show to display student works
- To assist students with selecting and assembling a portfolio collection of concentrated studio works from throughout the school year