WEB’s mission is to prepare and equip homeschooled middle and high school students for ongoing academic success by providing quality, secular instruction in a nurturing environment that encourages community-building and family involvement. Read our entire mission, vision, and values here.

What is WEB?

WEB is a non-profit organization that serves homeschool families of middle and high school students in the Nashville area by offering classes, events, community, and support. WEB is not an accredited institution, nor do we issue credits. We are a collection of teachers/tutors here to support your students in their homeschool journey.

How does it work?

Students attend classes one or two days a week at WEB, and our teachers provide assignments for students to complete at home the other days via Google Classroom. WEB classes are a la carte, so students can take what they want at WEB and cover the rest at home. WEB teachers provide the framework, classroom experience, and weekly assignments for the classes students choose to take at WEB. Parents/ guardians work with students on the days they are home to complete assignments. WEB operates as a partnership between the family and our teachers.

Can my child attend WEB classes but not complete the assignments?

It is important for students to complete the assignments teachers give in order to be prepared to participate in classes. Assignments are meaningful to the course content and important to a successful WEB experience. Estimated out of class homework time can be found with our course descriptions. If you are looking for classes with little to no homework, we recommend elective classes such as Walk the Land, Choir, art classes, and our extracurricular classes. This will provide a way for your child to connect with other homeschoolers and enjoy the class time without the additional time commitment of assignments. This works well for families who are participating in additional homeschool programs outside of WEB.

What about community and events?

WEB provides community for the whole family and our staff through regular events, such as our annual Halloween party, Maker’s Fair, Reindeer Games, choir concerts, plays, picnics, talent show, book fair, and more. We also have prom for high schoolers in the spring and this year, we're having our first ever middle school dance (organized by students).

How large are classes?

Most classes have a maximum of 15 students. Larger classes have two teachers.

Can we attend an Open House?

Open Houses are held each year in January, and February, and March. The link to register for an open house is posted on our website each year by December 1st.

Do you offer shadow days?

We are unable to offer shadow days due to the large number of requests we receive and the fullness of our current classes. If you would like to visit WEB outside of an open house, we recommend reaching out to Senae to see about upcoming events. Attending an event will give you a sense of our community.

Does WEB issue credits or provide a transcript?

WEB is not a school, and therefore does not issue credits or provide a transcript. It is up to the parents/ guardians to issue credits by reporting to their umbrella school or school district.

Do teachers issue grades?

WEB teachers provide quarterly progress reports to parents/ guardians, which include a grade of some sort. High school classes issue grades in percentages. Reporting grades to the umbrella school or school district is done by the parents/ guardians.

When can we register for next year?

Registration opens in March of each year and closes once classes are full, typically in May. View tuition & fees here

Where do we start?

Parents/ guardians must register as homeschoolers with an umbrella school (we recommend The Farm School) or their local school district. They will provide the information you need as homeschoolers to make sure you are meeting the requirements as well as provide record keeping. Parents/ guardians are responsible for submitting grades and attendance at the conclusion of each semester to their umbrella school or the school district. View tuition, fees, and information about registering for WEB classes here.

Helpful Links:

Homeschooling in Tennessee

TN Graduation Requirements

Nashville Secular Homeschoolers