This course is intended to provide students with a broad introduction to all the major subdivisions within the field of biology. We will begin by examining scientific methods, molecules of life, cell structure and function, genetics, evolution. From there we’ll look a bit more in depth at the various categories of living things, beginning simplest microorganisms and progressing all the way through animals. We’ll spend some time focusing specifically on the human body and wrap up the year with an examination of Ecology.
Most of our class time will be filled with lab activities meant to reinforce the concepts introduced in the reading material. Weekly homework assignments will include approximately 20 pages/week of reading as well as periodic writing assignments or other projects. While most lab activities will be done exclusively at WEB, some labs will require additional work at home for completion. In these cases, the necessary materials will be sent home with the students and every effort will be made to keep the experiment as simple and “mess-free” as possible.
The primary text will be CK-12 Life Science for Middle School. All of the material presented in the text is evidence based. Students can access the text free online, where it can be downloaded as a pdf file; or to a kindle, iPad, or Android where students will have access to additional embedded pictures and videos. Instructions on downloading the material will be sent to registered students. Students will receive their first assignment at the August 12th parent meeting so parents are asked to please have the materials downloaded in a format that works for their family by then.