The WEB Tutorial student body has spoken!
WEB Presidential Winner: Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine
WEB US House District 5 Winner: Jim Cooper
WEB US House District 6 Winner: Diane Black
WEB US House District 7 Winner: Tharon Chandler
The files below contain election data and further information about the results of the WEB mock election and the national student body election. The American Civics class will use this data in class on Wednesday, November 9, 2016, to analyze the results of all the races on the WEB mock election ballot.
National Student Body Presidential Mock Election Results
WEB Results for U.S. President and TN House seats
WEB Civics Class Mascot Results
Youth Leadership Initiative, founded by the University of Virginia Center for Politics, conducts the largest secure, student-only, online mock election in the nation, using electronic ballots tailored to each student’s home legislative district. WEB Tutorial will be participating in the YLI National Mock Election on Wednesday, October 26, 2016. The YLI ballot will include races for United States President, TN seats to the U.S. House of Representatives, and the WEB Civics Mascot.
Participation is optional.
Students who wish to participate must register in advance to be eligible to vote. Voter registration takes place in person on Wednesday, October 19, 2016, during lunch at WEB and after the last class of the day. Members of the WEB Civics class will be available to assist with voter registration and to answer any questions about the WEB-specific ballot items.
Student information collected on the voter registration forms is used solely for the purposes of the Mock Election. The YLI ballots default to the student's US congressional district, based on the student's zip code as reported on the voter registration form.
Students who are absent on voter registration day may register by email. Please send a request for an email voter registration application to, with the subject line "Request for WEB Tutorial Mock Election Voter Registration". You will receive a form with instructions by return email within 12 hours. Requests must be submitted no later than 8:00 pm on Friday, October 21, 2016.
Students who will be absent on the Mock Election day may vote by absentee ballot. Please send a request for an absentee ballot to, with the subject line "Request for WEB Tutorial Mock Election Absentee Ballot". You will receive a form with instructions by return email within 12 hours. Requests for absentee ballots must be submitted no later than 8:00 pm on Sunday, October 23, 2016.
WEB Tutorial will participate in the YLI National Mock Election on Wednesday, October 26, 2016. Poll stations will be open from 9:00 am until 12:00 noon, and will reopen from 1:30 pm until 3:00 pm.