ANNOUNCEMENT: Our Geography homework will begin moving to a Google classroom. You were all emailed an invitation last week. Please join our classroom as soon as possible. After winter break, homework will only be posted in the Google classroom. Until then, I will post it in both locations. Please email me if you need help joining.
Homework Assigned 11-08-2017
Due 11-15-2017
The Geography Coloring Book
- Complete Plate 13. Click "Done" on the Google Classroom and share an interesting fact about the West Indies from the reading in the comments section.
Mexico/Central America Map
- We started our maps in class and will finish them next week. You do not need to work on your maps at home.
Websites for Review
Apps for Geography - Check these out for some geography fun! Make sure to check the price. They are not all free.
- Stack the States
- Stack the Countries
- iLearn Continents and Oceans
Current Events (optional)
- Bring in any newspaper, magazine, or online articles you run across about the United States or North America. You might find something about a certain river or mountain range or the history of a state's shape. Any information that would enhance our understanding of the geography and culture of these places.
NOTE: Make sure you have colored pencils for class each week.
Homework Assigned 11-01-2017
Due 11-8-2017
The Geography Coloring Book
- Complete Plate 12.
Canada Map Quiz
- You will use your map and your coloring book to take the quiz next week, so make sure that you have them during class. If you did not finish your map in class, you are responsible for completing it for use on your quiz. Your quiz will be easier the more accurate the information is on your map. Be careful to label the capital cities differently from the other cities mentioned. Take some time to study your Canada map so that it is familiar enough for taking your quiz.
Websites for Review
Apps for Geography - Check these out for some geography fun! Make sure to check the price. They are not all free.
- Stack the States
- Stack the Countries
- iLearn Continents and Oceans
Current Events (optional)
- Bring in any newspaper, magazine, or online articles you run across about the United States or North America. You might find something about a certain river or mountain range or the history of a state's shape. Any information that would enhance our understanding of the geography and culture of these places.
NOTE: Make sure you have colored pencils for class each week.
Homework Assigned 10-25-2017
Due 11-1-2017
The Geography Coloring Book
- Complete Plates 11 & 5.
Websites for Review
Apps for Geography - Check these out for some geography fun! Make sure to check the price. They are not all free.
- Stack the States
- Stack the Countries
- iLearn Continents and Oceans
Current Events (optional)
- Bring in any newspaper, magazine, or online articles you run across about the United States or North America. You might find something about a certain river or mountain range or the history of a state's shape. Any information that would enhance our understanding of the geography and culture of these places.
NOTE: Make sure you have colored pencils for class each week.
Homework Assigned 10-18-2017
Due 10-25-2017
The Geography Coloring Book
- Complete Plates 8, 9, & 10.
USA Map Quiz
- You will use your map to take the quiz next week, so make sure that you have it during class. If you did not finish your map in class, you are responsible for completing it for use on your quiz. Your quiz will be easier the more accurate the information is on your map.
Websites for Review - You may use these to help study for your quiz.
Current Events (optional)
- Bring in any newspaper, magazine, or online articles you run across about the United States or North America. You might find something about a certain river or mountain range or the history of a state's shape. Any information that would enhance our understanding of the geography and culture of these places.
NOTE: Make sure you have colored pencils for class each week.
Homework Assigned 10-4-2017
Due 10-18-2017
The Geography Coloring Book
- Complete Plates 6 & 7.
- Make sure to have the following sections of your instruction sheet finished. You can use an atlas from home or an online atlas to complete the map.
- Borders
- States Colored and Labeled on the POLITICAL MAP
- Cities Labeled on the POLITICAL MAP OR Rivers on the PHYSICAL MAP
Websites for Review
Current Events (optional)
- Bring in any newspaper, magazine, or online articles you run across about the United States or North America. You might find something about a certain river or mountain range or the history of a state's shape. Any information that would enhance our understanding of the geography and culture of these places.
NOTE: Make sure you have colored pencils for class each week.
Homework Assigned 9-27-2017
Due 10-4-2017
The Geography Coloring Book
- Complete Plates 3 & 4.
Current Events (optional)
- Bring in any newspaper, magazine, or online articles you run across about the United States or North America. You might find something about a certain river or mountain range or the history of a state's shape. Any information that would enhance our understanding of the geography and culture of these places.
NOTE: Make sure you have colored pencils for class next week. We will continue labeling and coloring a map of the United States. Do not finish your map at home. However, if you have time to finish coloring or labeling the states on one side of the map, that would be helpful.
Homework Assigned 9-20-2017
Due 9-27-2017
The Geography Coloring Book
- Choose one plate from Plates 55-65 to color for next week. Remember to read the color notes very carefully.
NOTE: Make sure you have colored pencils for class next week. We will be labeling and coloring a map of the United States.
Homework Assigned 9-13-2017
Due 9-20-2017
The Geography Coloring Book
- Choose one plate from Plates 55-65 to color for next week. Remember to read the color notes very carefully.
Latitude, Longitude, Contour Maps Quiz
- Quizzes were returned in class this week. If you made a 15/20 or below, please correct your quiz and return it next week. You may use your notes to make corrections. Corrections can be made on your quiz paper.
Homework Assigned 9-6-2017
Due 9-13-2017
The Geography Coloring Book
- Choose one plate from Plates 55-65 to color for next week. Remember to read the color notes very carefully.
Current Events
- Bring in at least one thematic map. These can be found in newspapers, magazines, online articles, etc. These maps might show population, land use, rainfall totals, religions, etc. of a certain area. Bring in any maps that you come across, so we can share them with the class.
Homework Assigned 8-30-2017
Due 9-6-2017
The Geography Coloring Book
- Choose one plate from Plates 55-65 to color for next week. Remember to read the color notes very carefully.
Study Notes
- Study your class notes for a quiz on Latitude &Longitude and Contour Maps. We will build contour maps and review before the quiz next week.
Current Events
- Begin looking for thematic maps in newspapers, magazines, etc. These maps might show population, land use, rainfall totals, religions, etc. of a certain area. Bring in any maps that you come across, so we can share them with the class.
Homework Assigned 8-23-2017
Due 8-30-2017
The Geography Coloring Book
- Color Plate 2: Movement of the Continents, Volcano Sites, and Earthquake Zones - Make sure to look carefully at the labels to correctly identify the continents.
Study Notes
- Study your notes about Latitude and Longitude for a quiz on September 6th.
- Click HERE to see a photo of the class notes.
Homework Assigned 8-16-2017
Due 8-23-2017
The Geography Coloring Book
- Carefully read the pages titled " How to Use and Color This Book". You may need to refer back to these pages frequently.
- Color the Glossary of Geographical Terminology according to the directions.
- Color Plate 1: Continents of the Western Hemisphere and Continents of the Eastern Hemisphere. Make sure to read the Color Note (CN) before coloring.
Email Mrs. Hayes with any questions. Happy coloring!