Homework assignments will be posted here by 9am Thursday morning. 

4/19/2017 ASSIGNMENT

Next week we have the final exam for the first half of class, then a fun (at least to me) lab. 

  • Study your reading and notes from Chapters 4-6.
  • Complete 6.6 for the section that we did in class.


4/12/2017 ASSIGNMENT

Excellent work finishing up the WEB Periodic Table!  This will be a great tool for learning chemistry for years to come.  You guys did a really fabulous job and it looks amazing!  Here's your assignment for next week:

  • Review reading material and your notes for Chapters 1-3.  We will do Jeopardy style review next week and you may be able to use your notes.
  • Read Activity 6.6. Read through it carefully and then look it over again Tuesday night or Wednesday morning so you can work with your group to complete the lab quickly.
  • Acids and Bases.  Watch the following video and reading material about pH and take notes.


In class last week we came up with the great idea of having a pizza party while finishing the periodic table.  Well I forgot, and did not bring pizza this week so I will have pizza at next week's class.  We can finish coloring elements and get that table done.  It is looking great so far!

  • Extra Credit.  If you didn't get your extra credit back, you can pick it up next week.  Everyone that turned the assignment earned at least 40 points of extra credit!  Nice work.
    • Catalyst
  • Activity 6.4.  Complete the activity sheet based on the experiments you saw in class today.
  • Activity 6.5. Do the experiment at home and fill out the activity sheet up to the "Take it Further Section".  That will be done in class next week.

Video of Elephant's Toothpaste

Video of Genie in a Bottle 

3/29/2017 ASSIGNMENT

  • I have extra credit for the following students:  Tyler, Skyler, Maddie, Maya, Myles, Ruth, Clara, James, Kathrine.  Good job to all of you for putting in the effort.  I'll return them to you next week with the number of extra points (out of a total of 45) that you earned.  If you turned in your extra credit today but your name is not listed please let me know by Thursday.
    • Vocabulary words.  These should be defined in a way that reflects the usage of the words in class and your reading.  These are simple, don't overthink it and come up with some creative and scientifically relevant sentences.  YOU DON'T NEED TO EMAIL THESE UNLESS YOU ARE NOT IN FIRST BLOCK CLASSES.  I WILL CHECK THEM IN FIRST BLOCK.
      • Products
      • Reactants
  • Complete Activity Sheet 6.2.  We did most of this in class, but you can do some more experiments at home if you don't have enough done or would like to experiment some more (just do it outside so you don't make a mess in your house:).
  • Read and do the activity in 6.3 and complete the activity sheet.  NOTE:  The demonstrations will be done at the start of the next class so you don't have to answer the questions related to those.  ADJUSTMENTS TO THE LAB.  You were given pre-measured sodium bicarbonate and calcium chloride to complete the lab.  On page 505, instead of measuring out the chemicals you will use the entire contents of the bag.  Also, instead of using 20mL, you will use 1/4 cup of water in each cup.  Note about the chemicals.  The calcium carbonate is an eye irritant, so please be sure to wash your hands when you're done with the lab and throw all of the cups and bags in the garbage where a younger sibling or pet won't get at them.

3/15/2017 ASSIGNMENT

  • Complete Activity Sheet 6.1.  Make sure you turn in your completed sheet including a completed combustion model (cut out atoms glued to a piece of paper described in the activity) at that start of the next class session.
  • Review Exam and make sure you understand all of the short answer questions.  That will be the first order of business at the next class.  The grade distribution for the class is shown below.  The majority of you had difficulty with the short answer, so we’ll work on that. Be ready to give a written answer to any of those questions at the start of class.  I’ve attached my answers for those questions for you to review.  If you don’t understand any of them email me so we can clear things up.  I want you to focus on learning rather than the grade, but I do have grades for each of you if you want to know, or you can calculate your own grade based on the following; #1 20points; True/False, multiple choice; fill in blank 2.5pts each; Short Answer 5pts each.
  • Extra Credit.  Read attached doc on chemistry of a flame.  Give written questions to the 9 questions on the first page and receive up to 45 points extra credit.  This is good practice on writing short answers.  Be complete but succinct.  Complete sentences required for full credit.  


  • Read and take notes on Chapter 6.  
  • Vocabulary Cards
    • Endothermic
    • Exothermic


  • Organize notebooks.  Now that we are more than 2/3 of the way through the school year, your notebooks may need some organizing.  In fact from the looks of them in grading today, most need some work.  Get some dividers or use sticky notes to divide materials by chapter and have all of your activity sheets in order.  You should have reading material from Chapters 1-5 in your notebooks.  Its especially important that your Chapter 5 materials are organized to help you study for the exam next week.  Activity sheets 5.1 through 5.9 should be placed in order in your notebooks and should be completed. 
  • Study for next week's exam.  
    • 80% Chapter 5.  Review Chapter 5 reading and Activity sheets 5.1-5.9.  You should be able to connect each activity sheet to a section of the reading material.  Make sure your chapter notes get the main points and any real world implications of each lab activity.
    • 20% Chapter 4.  Questions will cover the exact same material as your previous 2 chapter 4 exams so if you study those and understand them you should be all set.
  • Complete the experiment and activity sheet for 5.8 (dissolving gasses in liquids)
  • OPTIONAL.  Read Chapter 6 (passed out in class).  If you feel like you have a very good understanding of Chapters 4 & 5, you can read Chapter 6.  This is your homework over break so if you want to get ahead feel free.

2/22/2017 ASSIGNMENT

I was very pleased overall with the quality of Chapter 5 notes.  If you didn't have notes (I will email you if I didn't see your notes), get them done this week make sure you show me at the start of our next class.  COMMON NOTE TAKING METHODS. I'm still working on getting through your vocabulary cards.  Thank you for your patience and I'll have comments back to you as soon as possible, but probably not until next week due to all the activity of the science olympiad.

  • Complete the Activity for 5.7 (dissolving liquids in liquids; done in class)
  • Complete the experiment and activity sheet for 5.8 (dissolving gasses in liquids)
  • Read Activity 5.9 (exothermic and endothermic reactions).  We will do the activity in class next week.

2/15/2017 ASSIGNMENT

  • Take notes on the remaining section of Chapter 5.  Have all of your Chapter 5 notes at the front of your notebook when you turn them in at the first period of WEB or email them in advance.  You will be graded on your notes with a total possible of 100points for the assignment.  Good notes will have all of the important information and the information will be recorded in a way that is succinct and helps to visually organize the information.  Pictures can be very helpful (but only if they demonstrate the topic).  For a review of some note taking methods see COMMON NOTE TAKING METHODS.
  • Vocabulary cards. If you'd like additional clarification on the vocabulary words you can read the following pages at Chem4Kids on mixtures and solutions.
    • solute
    • solvent
    • mixture
    • solution
  • Complete Activity Sheet 5.5.  We didn't get to all of the demonstrations, but you should be able to answer all of the questions based your observations for our class work.  You will fill in the chart on p. 441 when you observe any crystal that formed from your solutions. 
  • Complete Activity 5.6 on your own.  You will need some M&Ms and 3 glass or clear plastic cups for this.  Try to use the same type of cup for all three as this is one of the control variables.  A small mason jar, or small clear plastic cups like we use in class (available at Kroger) work well. 
  • Read Activity 5.7.  We will be doing this lab in class next week.  Read through it carefully so that you are ready to go in class.  We'll have a brief in class quiz at the start of class so that I can make sure the class is prepared to do the lab.


  • Take notes on pages 499-501 of your Chapter 5 reading.
  • Complete solubility worksheet.  Every graph (this is in your whole life not just this class:) should have a title and labeled axes.  Remember that the independent variable goes on the x-axis (horizontal) and the dependent variable goes on the y-axis (vertical).
  • Complete Activity Sheet 5.4.  You can substitute a cooking oil for mineral oil (the more clear the better but you'll be able to do it with just about any oil that is a liquid at room temp.)
  • Read Activity Sheet 5.5.  We will be doing this lab in class next week.  Read through it carefully so that you are ready to go in class.  We'll have a brief in class quiz at the start of class so that I can make sure the class is prepared to do the lab.


  • Review your Chapter 4 exam.  make sure you understand the concepts and are prepared for the retake next week.  You are not required to retake it, but you have an opportunity to erase your last grade if you do better, and no chance of lowering your grade.  
  • Review your Chemical Bonding worksheets from last week with the new information that you can have more than one atom of each element.  Keep in mind that the elements will combine in a way that will give them a full outer energy level.
  • Vocabulary Card:  Lewis Dot Structure (you guys are doing great at getting these done well and on time!!! Keep it up and we'll discuss chem pebbles next week).
  • Take notes on pages 496-498 of Chapter 5.  Review the following methods for note taking.  You can choose your method, but keep in mind that your goal is to be able to use your notes to easily find the most important information in the reading.  The notes will be graded so please have them in your notebooks in a place that is easy for me to find.
  • Complete Activity 5.2 and 5.3.  You do not need to do the last section of 5.3.  We'll do it in class.  PLEASE BRING THE DROPPERS BACK TO ME NEXT CLASS.**for the demonstration at the start of 5.2, take a paperclip and carefully set it horizontally on the top of the water in one of the small cups you were give in class (or any cup with be fine).  Can you get it to balance on the top of the water?  What if you tap it?  Does it balance if put it vertically?  Think about what you know about density.  Is the paperclip more or less dense than water?  Make sure you take notes on the pages above before doing the activity sheets.**

1/25/2017 ASSIGNMENT

  • Complete 3 Worksheets:  You will be drawing Lewis Dot Structures.  Watch this video to help and email me if you have questions.
  • Vocabulary- revise any vocabulary and resubmit if necessary (only if I put resubmit in the email)
  • Complete Activity 5.1.  Just imagine the styrofoam water molecules, but you should be able to do the rest.  PLEASE BRING THE DROPPERS BACK TO ME NEXT CLASS.

1/18/2017 ASSIGNMENT

1/11/2017 ASSIGNMENT

  • Vocabulary (only 2 this week, the rest of the words that I had on the board will be for next week)
    • Valence electrons
    • Covalent Bond
  • Review Chapter 4 reading on Ionic Bonding
  • Complete Activity Sheets 4.5 & 4.6.  Any of the activities that we didn't do in class (examining salt with a magnifying glass, or building NaCl with styrofoam balls) you are welcome to do at home but if you don't have the materials to do so, just answer the questions the best that you can based on common sense and what you would expect to happen.
  • Next week we will finish our Chapter 4 review in preparation for an in class exam on 1/25.  We will also be building our own periodic table.


  • Complete the periodic table (# Protrons, #Electrons and # Neutrons) in Lesson 4.2 and draw electron for the elements in the energy table in Lesson 4.3.  Many of you didn't realize that you needed to fill anything in so you have one extra week before they'll be graded.
  • Review and take notes on the supplemental material on energy levels and orbitals. I now you've already read this, but go back and look it over and take some notes for your folder.  This material is not in your Chapter 4 reading so its important that you get the main points in your notebook where they are easy to get back to.
  • How to Find a Reliable Source on the Internet. A hard copy was handed out to you in class.  Read it and use the information to think about your online sources for your element project.   25 out of the 100 points possible will be awarded for having a good online source and being able to explain how you know it is a good source.  (WARNING:  If anyone is
  • Element Assignment.  Please e-mail me by Friday with the element that you were assigned, what from of presentation you put together (poster, paper, powerpoint), and if you turned it in today.  We were a couple short so I want to make sure that everyone who turned them in gets credit for their work.  Your posters and papers look great!  We'll go over them next week but this will be very laid back and not a formal presentation.  If you did not put in a good online source (in addition to the sources that I provided) have it ready to add for next week. 
  • Lesson 4.4 Covalent Bonding
    • Review pages 355-358 of your Chapter 4 reading. 
    • Videos NOTE: I'm having trouble getting the video links to work. Check back this afternoon.  They are very short and simple so I may post a pdf with some images from the movie because I think that will be just as effective in getting the idea across: basically that for a covalent bond to form electrons in the outer energy level (valence electrons) of one atom become attracted to the protons of another atom and vice versa.  The two atoms move together in a way that allows them to "share" both electrons.
    • Complete Activity 4.4.  Instead of doing the activity with the battery and pencils (which is rather boring and doesn't really demonstrate the point of the lesson) you can use the above video to observe what happens and answer the questions.

11/30 Assignment

Yes, you have homework over break.  My suggestion is to get it out of the way as quickly as possible so you can enjoy the holidays with no chemistry worries. 

  • Watch Periodic Table Video
  • Complete Lesson 4.2 and Lesson 4.3.
  • Read some supplemental material on energy levels and orbitals
  • Element Assignment.  You were each assigned one of the first 20 elements.  Over break your assignment is to do some research on your assigned element and put together the information in a presentation.  NOTE:  For each presentation that I feel was exceptional in effort, I will add one stone to the chemistry jar. 
    • Presentation Form
      • Poster
      • Paper
      • Power Point with Oral Presentation (5 minutes at the start of next class)
    • Information to be included
      • Atom name
      • Atomic number
      • Derivation of the name
      • Details on its discovery (when, where, etc)
      • Natural sources
      • Major uses
      • Other interesting and/or important information that your research has uncovered.
    • Sources.  You need to make note of your sources in your presentation.  I have provided to sources of credible information on the elements below.  You need to find at least one additional reliable source.  Be prepared to explain how you know that a source is credible. 
      • www.chemeddl.org/collections/ptl/
      • http://ed.ted.com/periodic-videos
      • find you own additional sources

Have a great Holiday break!  Can't wait to see you all in January.  

11/16 Assignment

Don't become complacent over the break.  The material is just getting tough so I will begin having more regular evaluations of your understanding of it (expect a quiz on chapter 4 material after Thanksgiving).

  • Complete Activity Sheet 4.1 (you'll need a grocery bag and balloon for this).  Have your activity sheet where I can easily find it in your Chemistry notebook when you come to the next WEB..
  • Review the handout of first 20 elements of the periodic table.  Be sure that you can explain on a subatomic level why the elements get larger as you move down the periods and why they get smaller as you move from left to right through the groups.
  • Review and take good notes on your Chapter 4 reading from pages 350-355 (up to but not including bonding).  Have your notes where I can easily find them in your Chemistry notebook when you come to the next WEB, they will be graded.  Here's a brief summary of some of the most common note taking methods.  You may want to print it out and put it in your notebook.
  • Vocabulary cards (1st draft due this Sunday at noon, revisions will not be due until after our next class).
    • proton
    • neutron
    • electron
    • atomic number

11/9 Assignment

Read Chapter 4. Periodic Table and Bonding  I will have your exams back to you next will and will post a copy of the key before next class.

11/3 Assignment

Code of Conduct:  This take home exam is intended for you to do without assistance from other people or your own materials.  Your brain, a pencil and calculator is all that is permitted for the completion of this exam.  You are not to discuss the exam or the content in or related to the exam until it is completed and submitted.  Violation of this code of conduct is cheating.

  • Take home exam.  Complete the exam and submit either via email or in person on your way in to 1st block classes next week.  I urge you to get this exam done and turned in as soon as possible because as long as the test is left unsubmitted, you will have to be careful that your actions don't violate the above code of conduct that we discussed in class.  That means no discussing chemistry with anyone until the exam is submitted.
  • Exploding pumpkins.  It was great fun exploding pumpkins yesterday.  The class did MUCH better with the assignment this past week with only one late submission.  Keep getting those assignments in on time, and as a class you'll earn more chemistry detours.  As we discussed in class, these detours are not free of learning.  When we take a chemistry detour, we will be learning the chemistry behind it.  For now all you need to know is the chemical reactions that led to the "bang", including the names and formulas of the the molecules involved.  Understanding the chemical reaction will come over the next few weeks and after break as we delve into the periodic table of elements and chemical bonding.  There is no specific homework at this point for the exploding pumpkins, just make sure that you have the below chemical reactions in your notebooks.

10/26 Assignment

Based on our class discussion I'm assuming you want the bad news first.

Bad News: 

  • Density Exam Next Week.  This is an in class, closed book exam.  There will be matching, True/False, and short answer.  You should be prepared to answer questions about all of your vocabulary words, as well as all of the labs.  When you review, focus on what we've discussed in class.  Hint:  We've spent alot of time during this section solving density problems, as well as making and interpreting graphs. 
  • Vocabulary Card
    • New Word- meniscus.  First draft due either Friday at noon, or Sunday at noon.  Plan this out according to your schedule.  (if you don't remember what it is from class discussions read this)
    • Revisions- volatile and viscous.  Revised cards need to be submitted by Friday at noon.  If you turned them in on time you should already have my comments back, if you turned them in late you will get them back on Friday and then just get the revised cards back to me asap.

Good News:

  • YOU DID IT!  As a class you successfully completed 3 density columns!  Nice work!  You earned 3 stones which puts you at 12!!  That means we will do the fun experiment next week so I will have to keep the test short so we have plenty of time.  We will be outside for this part of the class so dress appropriately.

10/19 Assignment

  • Complete Density of Liquids Lab.  In this lab we are taking what we know about density of solids and applying it to liquids.  In this lab you will be making a graph VERY similar to the graph you made for the Density Graphing Part 2 from 9/28, but this time you have taken your own measurements and instead of just graphing out point for a single substance, you are will be making 3 separate lines; one for each of the three liquids with which you used to take measurement.  For any of you who were not in class, or didn't finish all of the mass measurements, you can fill in the information that you need from this table.
  • Vocabulary CardsIf you turned in your water displacement card on time you should have already received revisions.  I'll get revisions on late cards back by Monday.
    • viscous
    • volatile
  • Density Practice Problems.  You have already completed # 1 and #2 of this worksheet.  Here is a key with the answer to each of those questions.  Now you will complete the worksheet but note that there is a typo in # 3.  It should have read "You can only afford 1000 grams of copper".  Please make that change on your worksheet our you will get a ridiculously small paperweight.  Reminder:  If you are trying to find the volume you can rearrange the formula D=m/v to v=m/D.  Likewise if you are solving for mass you can rearrange the formula D=m/v to m=D(v).
  • Please note that I will be out of town until late Sunday I won't be able to respond with confirmation that I've received your vocabulary cards until Monday or Tuesday.

10/12 Assignment

  1. Complete Activity Sheet 3.2.  Carefully examine the partial periodic table on page 171 showing the 1st 20 elements.  This periodic table is very special because is shows the relative size and mass of each atom.  For each element, he atomic number (# of protons in that atom) is above, and the atomic mass (average mass of an atom of that element) is below. New information on identifying the unknowns.  After doing my own measurements, I'm convinced that one of the sample rods was not made out of Polyethylene as is indicated in your chart on page 169.  I think it may be made out of acrylic instead which has a density of 1.2.  Since Nylon also has a density of 1.2, you should end up with two samples that you cannot differentiate.  Just put both possible sample letters as the identifier on the chart.
  2. Vocabulary Card -  Water Displacement Method
  3. Density Graphing Worksheets.  If you completed both Part I and Part II of the Density Graphing Worksheets from the last assignment then move on.  If you had trouble with them, give it another try now that we have gone over it in class. 
  4. Density Practice Problems.  Complete the worksheet.  You will need your Copper density graph from the last assignment. Just do numbers 1 & 2 (we'll do 3 & 4 together in class).  If you are trying to find the volume you can rearrange the formula D=m/v to v=m/D.  Likewise if you are solving for mass you can rearrange the formula D=m/v to m=D(v).
  5. Vocabulary - Water Displacement Method
  6. Read 'Eureka!' - The Story of Archimedes and the Golden Crown by Rohini Chowdhury.
  7. Periodic Table Challenge. 
    1. Look for patterns in mass and size changes in the partial periodic table on page 171 of your activity sheet 3.2.
    2. Memorize as many of the first 20 elements in order from left to right, then top to bottom (Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Beryllium, etc...) as you can.  The Periodic Table Song can be a fun way to help you remember the order.

9/28 Assignment

  1. Vocabulary Cards Update.   
    • New schedule for submission.  The class has really gotten into the swing of the vocabulary assignment.  I need to adjust the due date for the first draft so that I have time to make comments on each of the cards and get them back to you by Wednesday morning.  This will give you more time for revisions and will allow you to ask any questions during or after WEB on Wednesday.
      • STUDENT:  1st drafts due by Sunday at noon.  I encourage all of you to try to get them done by Friday evening.
      • TEACHER:  When you submit cards I will e-mail you back with the names of the cards that I received, so that you can be sure that none of the cards were lost in the internet:)  I will have comments back to you by Wednesday morning.
      • STUDENT:  Revisions are due by Friday at noon.  You kids need sleep no move 11pm submissions from some of you night owls.  If additional revisions are required I will let you know on an individual basis when they are due.
    • Grading changes for vocabulary cards.  I've been preparing you for this change, and the time has come.  Most of you are getting your cards in on time.  You keep it up and just skim over this next part to keep you motivated to continue the good work.  For those of you who are not in that group, grading of late cards has been VERY flexible until now.  You've had 6 weeks to get into the groove, and now assignments need to be in on time, or you need to contact e to ask for an extension in advance.  Here is how grading will be handled for late cards.
      • Late 1st draft.  Half of the total points (7.5pts/card) will be automatically deducted.
      • Late revisions.  1st draft will be given a score and the total points earned will be cut in half.  Ex.  If your FAC score would have been a 2/2/4 on the draft I would take the sum, 8pts for the cards and divide by 2 for a total score of 4 points out of 15 possible. 
    • New Vocabulary Card.  Here's the good news, only one vocabulary card for next week!!! 
      • Density
  2. Chapter 1 & 2 Quiz.  Please don't focus too much on your grade because its where you've going rather than where you're at that counts.  While this quiz is one way to evaluate your chemistry, it is also an evaluation of how well you handle different types of exam questions.  Many of you who may not have done as well as you would have liked may see that it was written communication, rather than chemistry knowledge, that kept you from the grade you wanted.  The good news is that you are all working on that with the creation of your sentences on the vocabulary cards.  Keep working at it and it WILL improve. Here is EXAM KEY so you can check your understanding of any questions that you missed. 
  3. Density.
    • We didn't have time to go over the density worksheet from last week.  Please look over the ANSWER SHEET and let me know if there are any questions that you don't understand (or if I made any mistakes!).
    • Take notes on Chapter 3.  I know you read it, but I'd like you to do it again.  This time make sure that your focus is pulling out the main points and finding ways to make those points easy to look back and find and easier to remember.  Before you begin, check out this link on NOTE TAKING STRATEGIES.  Please read through it and watch all 3 videos.  Try out some of these new ways of note taking, but you can also use a highlighter, underlining, and notes in the margins of the reading material itself as well.
    • Density Graphing Worksheets.  These were handed out in class, but if you don't have them you can click on the link and print them out.  NOTE:  There was an error in worksheet one so if you didn't get a revised copy in class today make sure you print a new one out.  The volume should always be on the X-axis of a density graph.  Do you know why (hint:  what type of variable is it).  You will need to determine the slope of a line for these worksheets.  If you haven't gotten to that in your math, or if you need a refresher visit Cool Math Slope of a Line, or Khan Academy Finding Slope from a Graph.  Take pictures of your worksheets and email them too me by the Tuesday before class (10/11).
      • Density Graphing Part 1Reminder from your chapter 3 reading; mL is the EXACT same thing as cm3. 
      • Density Graphing Part 2.  There was a mistake in the original worksheet and graph posted.  It is corrected on all of the linked documents, but please change the values of mass in the data sheet before making your graph using the linked worksheet for Density Graphing Part 2.  This one you will be making your own graph, and then using it to determine the density and then identity of an unknown substance. This one is more challenging.  See Tips for Making a Density Graph for some suggestions on how to do this.  Here is EXTRA GRAPH PAPER.  If you get stuck you can look at my graph.  DO NOT OPEN MS. GENTRY'S GRAPH UNTIL YOU HAVE GOTTEN AS FAR AS YOU CAN WITH THE TIPS PAGE. 
  4. Have a great break and we'll see you in a couple of weeks!

9/21 Assignment

  1. Vocabulary Cards.  I have been inundated with a flood of vocabulary cards with several students getting caught up from being out of town or sick.  Due to this backlog in grading and the fact that you have no new cards this week, I've decided to give myself an extension in getting comments back to you and therefore also give you all an extension on the due date for the final drafts.  I will have all my comments back to you by Friday afternoon, and your final drafts will be due Tuesday.
    • Complete Activity Sheet 2.4, p. 119 #1 & 2 based on the water bomb experiment that we watched in class.
    • Watch the video about density.  This is the video that is the activity sheet refers to at the top of page 163.
    • Watch one more video (a bit less boring) about density.
    • Complete Activity 3.1.  You may need some help with this so don't hesitate to e-mail me.  You can use a calculator and check this PICTURE to make sure that you have the correct numbers for your chart showing known densities of different substances.
    • Math problems for the week.  Print and complete this worksheet
    • You should have received 2 worksheets and a piece of graphing paper today in class.  Please look them over but you DO NOT need to do them yet.  We will talk about graphing next week.

    9/14 Assignment

    Reminder of vocabulary card due dates.  1st drafts are always due on the Tuesday after they are assigned.  Comments will be sent back by Thursday morning and revisions are due that Friday.  Beginning this week, any cards submitted late without the student receiving an extension will automatically lose 50% of the possible points. 

    1. New Vocabulary Cards.  Chapter 2 words from 9/14.  New words.  Drafts due Tuesday 9/20.  Revised cards due Friday 9/23. 
      • deposition
      • freezing
      • melting
      • sublimation
    2. Complete Activity Sheet 2.4 (pages 119-122), and Activity Sheet 2.5 (pages 133-136). You do not need to answer questions 1 & 2 on page 119.  We will be watching the video together first thing in class on Wednesday and you can answer the questions then.
    3. Read Chapter 3 on density.
    4. Math problems of the week.    Write the problems on a clean sheet of notebook paper with the assignment date (9/14).  Do your best to answer each question but if you have no idea how to do it just put NI.  Show your work for any problems that you do.  Take a pic of the page once you are finished and send them into me by Tuesday.  We will go over the problems together in class next week.
    • -x = 6
    • 2x - 8 = -x + 4
    • 2x + 1/2 = 2/3
    • x/3 + 2 = 5
    • -5/x = 2

    5.  Review Chapter 1 and 2 material for quiz next week.

    6.  For those you you behind in your vocabulary cards, please review the assignments below.  Check over your cards and any e-mailed revisions that you have gotten and submit any missing material by Friday. 

    • Chapter 1 words should be complete in their final draft form:  Chemistry, Matter, Atom, Molecule, Scientific Theory, Hypothesis, Variable
    • Chapter 2 words from 8/31 assignment:  There are 5 students still working to finalize these cards.  You should know who you are I expect all the cards to be turned in by Friday in their final form.  Conduction, Heat, Kinetic Energy, Temperature
    • Chapter 2 words from 9/7 assignment.  9 of the 20 students in the class got these in on time.  Great job to the 9 of you and the rest of you need to step it up.  Most of you had them done, but just didn't turn them in.  We've got to get this part of the class running smoothly so it doesn't mess you up as the content gets more complicated.  Get them to my by Friday morning at 9am, and revisions are due by Friday night unless you request and are given an extension.  Condensation, Dependent Variable, Independent Variable, Condensation, Evaporation.

    9/7 Assignment

    All revisions to last weeks vocabulary words must be turned in by Friday.

    1.  Everyone should have received an e-mail with comments on your original drafts for your chapter 2 words.  Make corrections and submit them via e-mail by Friday.
    2. Complete Activity Sheet 2.2 (pages 90-92, you don't need to do anything for page 93) andActivity Sheet 2.3 (pages103-109).  For activity 2.3 you will be doing the demonstration on p. 103 and the activities on pages 104 & 105 on your own at home using the cups that I gave you.  I forgot to hand out zip top bags.  See if you have one at home, but if not watch the demonstration in this videoTo answer #6 on page 92 you can watch the following video.  I mistakenly only gave you 1 small and 1 large cup, so you don't need to do the activity on page 105 (we'll do it in class), but you do need to answer the questions based on what you know about changes of state and what you expect to happen.  Here is the video of question #6 on page 106.  Email me with any questions.
    3. New vocabulary words
      • independent variable
      • dependent variable
      • control variable
      • evaporation
      • condensation
    4. Finish "Identifying Variables" Worksheet
    5. Simple algebra problems. Show your work (the algebraic work not the arithmetic work).  If you are having trouble going through the steps we covered in class please contact me so I can explain it.  You will NEED to know how to do these problems so lets get it out of the way now.
      • x + 6 = 10
      • 2x - 6 = 10
    6. Watch this Khan Academy Video.  We will be discussing in class, so go over it carefully so you can ask questions about anything that you don't understand.  See if you can figure out what is the independent and dependent variables (hint:  when they say "its a function of" it means that the value of that variable is dependent on the value of the other variable).

    8/31 Assignment

    All revisions on chapter 1 vocabulary words must be turned in by Friday.

    1.  Answer questions for activity sheet 2.1pages 74-79.  You all seemed to do a great job of getting measurements VERY quickly in the last 15 minutes of class for activity 2.1.  I know it was confusing to try to figure out where to put the numbers in your charts since we ran short of time.  Attached is a copy of pages 75 and 76 of your activity sheets that have the carts filled in with the temperatures from one of the groups today.  If you're not sure if your numbers are correct or that you have them in the right place, see if they are similar to the numbers on the attached pages.  If so, great move forward!  If not, just use the numbers on the attached pages to think about what is going on in terms of heat, temperature and conduction in this activity; and to help you answer the questions.  NOTE: Your groups measured ONLY the water in the cup before and after the addition of the washers, so those are the only numbers that should change from group to group.  I measured and told you the temperatures of the water in the control cup, and the temperature of the washers (before only by measuring the temperature of the water they were in).      ACTIVTY2.1







    1. Any revisions to Chapter 1 vocabulary cards must be turned in by Friday to receive credit.
    2.   New Vocabulary card.  1st draft due by Tuesday. The definitions for the first 4 cards you can get from your reading.  Skip the last 2.  We will talk about those in class next week and they will be due the following Friday.
      • Kinetic Energy
      • Conduction
      • Temperature
      • Heat
      • Dependent Variable (not due until next week)
      • Independent Variable (not due until next week)
    3.  Review the math concepts of unknowns, solving for unknowns in an equation and converting temperature to different units at the links below.
    4. Complete 2 of 4 math worksheets handed out in class.  Save the temperature conversion worksheets for next week, but I'd like you all to try the two algebra worksheets.  If you don't get it after looking over the websites above (especially the Math is fun algebra), don't panic.  We'll go over it at the start of class next week and you can turn it in on Friday.
    5. Identifying Variables Worksheet.  Please look it over and keep it in your Chem binder for discussion next week but you do not need to complete it.
    6. Bonus (optional work that will earn the class beads for the chem jar).  Do some research on your own about one of the below topics and present it to me and/or your classmates in one by writing a paragraph about what you learned, making visual representation of what you learned, or give a 3-5 min overview to the class next week.  In order to earn beads each of the topics must be covered a student and you need to email me by Friday what topic you'd like to do.  The class can earn between 3-6 beads depending on the how many students participate and the effort put into the work.

    • Types of thermometers

    • History of thermometers

    • How thermometers are made and calibrated

    8/24 Assignment

    Keep up the good work everyone.  Please turn in your revisions of the first 4 vocabulary cards by Friday, and the 3 new cards by Tuesday morning. 

    1.  Complete any unfinished problems on activity sheets 1.1 and 1.2.  This only applies to 2 or 3 students, but the whole class needs to show good effort to get a stone in the Chemistry Jar and when we get to 10 we'll do a fun side project.   Normally if the assignment isn't completed on time (unless I've been contacted about it being late and approve it) there will be no credit.  Since its the first assignment I'm making an exception.  COMPLETED ACTIVITY SHEETS FROM LAST WEEK ARE DUE BY THURSDAY 8/24 FOR CREDIT
    2.   Vocabulary Cards
      • Final drafts due Friday 8/26.  Make revisions and submit final drafts, to be graded, by emailing a picture of the front and back of all cards to gentryreillyjj@gmail.com.  You should already have my comments on the first 2 and I will get comments on the rest back to you via e-mail by Thursday at noon.
        • Chemistry
        • Matter
        • Atom
        • Molecule
      • New Cards, 1st draft due by Tuesday 8/30, but you are encouraged to send them as soon as you have them done so I can get comments back to you.
        • Scientific Theory
        • Variable
        • Hypothesis
    3. Activity Sheets. Complete activity sheets (handed out in class) to turn in as you come into literature next week.  If you are not participating in literature, please take pictures of your sheets and e-mail to me by Tuesday before lunch.
      • Chapter 1, Lesson 3 (Thermometers) pages 32-34
      • Chapter 1, Lesson 4 (Solids) page 43
      • Chapter 1, Lesson 5 (Gasses) pages 52-55
    4. Read Chapter 2 (handed out in class) pages 141-150
    5. Organize your Chemistry binder
      • make sure that you have all of the above materials that were handed out in class ( I think one student may have left Activity Sheet for Ch 1, Lesson 3)  If you're missing any pages e-mail me asap.
      • You'll be getting lots of handouts and you need to have the information organized so that you (and I ) can find it easily.  Some simple dividers from an office supply store to separate chapters is a great start.  You can also use sticky notes to mark specific areas that you made need to refer to like your class notes (yes, that means you should be taking class notes)
      • Chemistry binders are for chemistry only please.  Move your work from lit, civics, science olympiad, as well as letters to your Granny, to an alternate location.

    8/17 Assignment

    A portion of the assignment (indicated below) is due on Friday, 8/19, and should be submitted by e-mail. Once you have received corrections and suggestions on that portion of the assignment you can continue with the remainder which will be due next Wednesday before class.  All homework should be turned in before your first period class (Literature) on Wednesday in a "Chemistry Box" outside the door.

    1.   Read Chapter 1 (handout) pages 56-60
    2.   Complete Activity Sheets (handout)
      • Chapter 1, Lesson 1 pages 9-12 watch video below to answer #8 & #9
      • Chapter1, Lesson 2 pages 21-23
    3. Vocabulary Cards (use card rings handed out in class).  First two cards are due on Friday.  Please take a picture of the front and back of the card and email it to me at gentryreillyjj@gmail.com.
      • chemistry (1st draft due Friday 8/19)
      • matter (1st draft due Friday 8/19)
      • atom(1st draft due Wednesday 8/24)
      • molecule (1st draft due Wednesday 8/24)
      • variable (We'll save this one for later since we didn't get to it in class and the reading material doesn't explain it) 

    Assignment 8/10

    Chemistry binders were handed out to students at the parent meeting on Wednesday 8/10.  Students are asked to complete the following related to those binders.

    1. Decorate your chemistry binders in a way that suits you.
    2. Read through the course syllabus in your chem binder
    3. Read through the description of the vocabulary assignment, also in your chem binder