Jessi Goodwin
Shannon Truss (Block Three only)
Course Description
This course seeks to immerse students in the visual history of the human experience through tactile and experiential application. Every few weeks classes will alternate between lectures offering historical glimpses into mankind’s creative past and workshops wherein student’s will develop their own expressive skills.
“History has remembered the kings and warriors, because they destroyed. Art has remembered the people, because they created” – William Morris
Outcomes and Goals
Students in this course will be introduced to multiple periods of art history including, but not limited to, humanity’s earliest forms of expression, ancient art, the renaissance, neoclassical, romanticism, impressionist, and modern art.
Creative opportunities integrated within this course will delve into multiple mediums and application styles designed to complement and expand historical lessons. Students will learn about color theory, subject composition and be introduced to a wide variety of materials and techniques, ranging from Sumi-e brush painting, to oil pastels, acrylic and watercolor painting, batiking, print-making, and photography.
The course will culminate with portfolio assembly and a capstone project.
Weekly Journal Assignments
Students will be asked to creatively complete small weekly assignments throughout the year. These ‘journaling’ opportunities are meant to encapsulate each artist’s personal expression preference with options to interpret assignments through journaling, poetry, photography, and sketching at the students discretion.
Course MaterialS
Art materials, including a journal for use throughout the course, will be provided to students.
August 16 - What is Art? Why Study Art? Why Study Art History? ART: beautifying / 615 Rocks! project
August 23 - ART: intro to the 5 elements of design plus journal personalization
August 30 - ART: color theory and visual perspectives project
September 6 - HISTORY: Humanity's first artists
September 13 - HISTORY: Ancient Greece/Egypt/Rome
September 20 - HISTORY: Ancient Chinese/Japanese/Iranian
September 21 OPTIONAL FIELD TRIP: The Clay Lady Studio and Campus
September 27 - ART: Sumi-e Traditional East Asian Brush Painting (bamboo brushes and india ink on rice paper)
October 4 - ART: Fabric / Textile Batik (week 1)
October 11 - FALL BREAK
October 18 - ART: Fabric / Textile Batik (week 2)
October 25 - HISTORY: Medieval Art
November 1 - HISTORY: Renaissance Art: A Visual vocabulary
November 8 - HISTORY: Renaissance Art: A Visual vocabulary
November 15 - ART: still lifes with oil pastels (still-life painting: depiction of inanimate objects for the sake of their qualities of form, colour, texture, and composition.)
November 29 - HISTORY: A different visual vocabulary: Islamic/Jewish/Buddhist art
January 10 - ART: paper mosaic mandalas
January 17 - ART: Hamsa pen & ink designs
January 24 - ART: textile printing & tessellation patterns
January 31 - HISTORY: The Pendulum Swing Begins: Mannerism/Baroque/Neoclassical
February 7 - HISTORY: Romanticism/Realism
February 14 - HISTORY: Impressionism/Post-Impressionism
February 21 - ART: Plein Air (weather permitting) landscapes with watercolor and/or oil pastels
February 28 - ART: photography
March 7 - ART: Van Gogh's Starry Night acrylic painting
March 21 - HISTORY: Cubism
March 28 - HISTORY: Surrealism
April 4 - HISTORY: Abstract Expressionism/Pop Art
April 11 - ART: collaborative block printing
April 18 - Art in Your World / ART: self-portraits
April 25 - Year End Project and portfolio assembly (week 1)
May 2 - Year End Project and portfolio assembly (week 2)