2020-21 Class Schedule
2020-21 Course Descriptions
General Science
Dawn Ruiz
Covers science via discreet units of study with an emphasis on the scientific method and familiarization with scientific terms. Units will include scientific method, life sciences, human anatomy and physiology, earth/space sciences, chemistry and physics.
Grades 5, 6
Lauren Beihoffer
Students will investigate the world of atoms and molecules through hands-on inquiry-based activities and molecular model animations.
Text: Middle School Chemistry by ACS
Grades 6, 7
Advanced Science Survey
Sarah Naguib
The purpose of Advanced Science Survey is to cover subjects ranging from ecology, chemistry, biology and physics at a deeper dive. The course is designed for rising 7th and 8th graders who are new to WEB. Within biology, we will cover topics ranging from cell structure, photosynthesis/cell respiration, Mendel’s laws of heredity, population biology, DNA and some basic human anatomy. Within physics, we will cover topics including Newton’s three laws, temperature/heat, energy transfer, motion and simple machines. Within chemistry, we will discuss molecules, density, chemical bond formation, the periodic table, and physical and chemical changes of matter. Students will also practice science writing through lab reports, and reading comprehension via in-class discussion. If there are any questions about topics that will/will not be covered, please feel free to contact Sarah Naguib.
Grades 7,8
Veronika Kondev
In this class, students will explore the diverse realm of biology on a microscopic and macroscopic level: from reptiles to algae, proteins to DNA, photosynthesis to cellular metabolism. Students will perform hands-on experiments to validate crucial principles of biology themselves; these experiments will be supplemented with further training of the scientific method, including building hypothesis, experimental design, lab notebook keeping, making predictions, interpreting data, and critical thinking. Students will have in-class assessments, exams, projects, and an end of the year presentation.
Grades 7, 8
Physical Science
Brian Donohue
Students will learn about mechanics, heat, electricity, atomic structure, astronomy and more. Students should be enrolled concurrently in Pre-Algebra (at WEB or elsewhere) or higher to enroll in this class.
Text: Derek Owens Physical Science
Grades 7, 8, 9
Middle School Math
Leslie Lutz
Will cover the topics normally covered in a middle school 7th grade math course. This course is designed to prepare students for Pre-Algebra. This class will meet Tuesday AND Thursday. We strongly recommend your student take the placement test to ensure enrollment in the appropriate math class.
Grades 6, 7, 8
Becky Gore
Will cover the topics normally covered in a middle school pre-algebra course. This course is designed to prepare students for Algebra 1. This class will meet Tuesday AND Thursday. We strongly recommend your student take the placement test to ensure enrollment in the appropriate math class.
Grades 7, 8, 9
Becky Gore
Will cover the topics normally covered in a high school Algebra course. This course is designed to qualify for a high school math credit in Algebra 1 and meets on Tuesdays AND Thursdays. We strongly recommend your student take the placement test to ensure enrollment in the appropriate math class.
Grades 8, 9
Language Arts
Mason Zgoda
In Grammar and Spelling, students will develop a firmer understanding of the English language. Each week we will introduce a grammar concept and do exercises to practice and solidify the new knowledge. The lessons will build on each other and consistent review will be central to the course. In conjunction with the grammar concepts, we will have a spelling list that we will practice and continually update. We will periodically have spelling tests and opportunities for fun spelling bees with prizes! Having a good grip on grammar and spelling rules is essential for every students' future, but it can be pedantic and boring for young ones. The goal of this course is to make the information simple, easy to understand, and fun to learn so that students will retain the lessons that will make them great writers in the future.
Grades 5,6,7
Writer’s Workshop
Mason Zgoda
In writers workshop, students will bring in writing assignments from other classes and work together with the instructor and classmates to correct, refine, and expound upon what they’ve already done. Through these exercises, students will be reintroduced to grammar concepts as well as concepts of good writing and rhetoric. The goal will be to take their papers from good to great. This course will be loosely based on the IEW writing course but will not be as intense or require nearly as much outside work.
Grades 6,7,8
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math)
Dawn Ruiz
STEAM class will be a hands-on experience. Each week students will be presented with materials and design challenges that incorporate different aspects of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. Students will be encouraged to think critically and creatively about how to design and improve their projects.
Grades 5, 6, 7
Studio Fundamentals
Jessi Goodwin
An introduction to the creative tools, materials and vocabulary that provide a foundation in the fine arts. Learn the basics of visual communication by developing observational drawing skills while also receiving instruction in color theory techniques, watercolor and acrylic painting, oil pastels, printmaking, ceramic sculpture, and so much more. This course concludes with the assembly of a student portfolio. WEB Studio Fundamentals is recommended for 5th and 6th grade students and serves as a prerequisite fulfillment for WEB Art Studio 1.
Grades 5, 6
Studio Art 1
Jessi Goodwin
Studio 1 is designed to encourage and support artistically minded students in their unique creative journey. An emphasis will be placed on deeper exploration of traditional studio methods and materials with a focus on building creative confidence through positive peer feedback and gentle critiquing opportunities. Fall semester classes will focus on 2-dimensional studio subjects. The spring semester will cover further studio exploration and 3 dimensional design. This course concludes with a gallery exhibition and assembly of a student portfolio. Enrollment in Studio 1 requires previous attendance of a Studio Fundamentals course AND teacher approval and is recommended for motivated students who are interested in pursing deeper creative development.
Grades 6, 7, 8
Studio Art 2
Jessi Goodwin
Studio 2 provides a space for artistically motivated, driven and experienced students who are ready to undertake new creative challenges in an independent work environment. During this studio course students will focus on defining their unique artistic voice while learning how to provide, process and utilize constructive feedback in a supportive and nurturing community of fellow artists. Studio 2 prerequisite requirement: Completion of WEB Studio 1 with teacher recommendation OR personal portfolio submission plus interview with the instructor demonstrating a variety of creative material familiarity and comfort.
Grades 7, 8
Reading for Writing
Rowena Aldridge
Students will read a variety of works by #OwnVoices authors, which will serve as models for a variety of writing projects such as personal narratives, imaginative narratives, informational material, and opinion pieces. Designed for students who can write a strong sentence and are familiar with the basic conventions of written English (capitalization, punctuation, indentation, etc.). The reading list for this course is still being finalized; previous titles have included Esperanza Rising, One Crazy Summer, Inside Out and Back Again and I Am Malala (Young Reader's Edition).
Grades 5, 6
Award Winning Literature
Alyssa Hayes
Designed for students who can write a strong paragraph and understand plot and detail when reading independently; will focus on writing personal essays. Book selections will be literary award winning books. Previous texts for this course have included Wonder, Tuck Everlasting, The Search for Delicious, A Wrinkle in Time and The Old Man and the Sea.
Grades 6, 7
The Outsider
Bea Troxel
Everyone has felt like an outsider at some point, but we must all choose how we deal with the experience of being outside of the norm. In this class we will read stories that look at the different ways people feel separate from the world and how they deal with it. Do they escape? Do they find ways to return to the world with their new self? Do they conform? This class will use mainly reflective writing in order to strengthen students’ ability to shape and express ideas about the novels. This class is recommended for 7th and 8th grade students who have not taken Reading for Writing and Award Winning Literature at WEB.
Grades 7. 8
American Literature
Carla Diaz
Designed for students who want to hone their writing skills while taking a deep dive into American literature and the cultural and historical contexts that influenced it. Assignments include in-class writing, online discussion threads, and longer essays and reports. Reading assignments will run the gamut encompassing short stories, historical documents, graphic novels and classic literature.
Grades 6, 7, 8
Magic & Monsters
Jenny Conatser
Designed around a year-long theme of Magic & Monsters, this class will examine various ways in which human beings engage with their fears and discomforts, their hopes and dreams on the written page. Appropriate for students who are comfortable writing three paragraph essays and connecting themes in literature; will focus heavily on a wide range of writing and exploration into various types of texts. Texts from 2019-2020 included: The Brothers Grimm Annotated Anthology, The Riverman by Aaron Starmer, A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, Tales Of Beedle the Bard by J.K. Rowling, and Children of Blood & Bone by Tomi Adeyemi.
Grades 7, 8, 9
Social Studies
Eyewitness to History
Rowena Aldridge
Focuses on the story part of history from a child’s-eye view. Course themes will include migration and statelessness; religious integration; economic forces; warfare and conflict; innovations in technology; and the cultural responses to historical events that continue to shape the world we live in today.
Grades 5, 6
US Geography
Stephanie Becker
This course will examine the historical and spatial growth and development of the United States. Students will learn about state boundaries, state capitals and landforms.
Grades 5,6,7,8
US History
Adam Nunley
This course provides a one-year survey of American history from the American Revolution to the present. Using the textbook and primary documents and current events, students learn about the various political, social, religious, and economic developments that have shaped and continue to shape the United States. Essay writing and critical thinking are emphasized as integral ways of understanding how the past relates to the present and future.
Grade 8
Foreign Language
How to Learn a Language
Flore Grunwald
A beginning language student's introduction to learning a foreign language, students will be exposed to several Romance languages and learn how to study a new language and culture.
Grades 5, 6, 7, 8
Introduction to Spanish
Rowena Aldridge
Designed to give the novice second-language student a taste of the Spanish speaking world, while making the language accessible and comprehensible. This class meets on Tuesday AND Thursday.
Grades 5, 6, 7, 8
French 1
Flore Grunwald
Designed to introduce beginner students to the French language. A communicative approach is taken to gain skills in speaking, comprehension, reading and writing. This course is designed to qualify for a high school language credit and meets on Tuesdays AND Thursdays.
Grade 8
Spanish 1
Rachel Miltner
Designed to introduce beginner/intermediate students to the Spanish language. A communicative approach is taken to gain skills in speaking, comprehension, reading and writing. This course is designed to qualify for a high school language credit and meets on Tuesdays AND Thursdays.
Grade 8
Creative Writing/Yearbook
Carla Diaz
Two classes in one! Students will spend time working on their writing skills both in class and out. We’ll study the structure of story as well as character and plot development and how important they are to a good story. Alongside their writing and few reading assignments, students will serve as the design and editorial team for the WEB yearbook. Themes, photos, written copy—all will be done by the students to put out a stellar memory maker.
Grades 5, 6, 7, 8
Public Speaking
Cameron Simons
This course is aimed to reduce students’ anxiety in presentations and other public speaking occasions. Topics include learning how to interpret and display accurate body language, eye contact, breath control, and tone of voice. This is a performative class. Students will be asked to prepare multiple presentations over the course of the year to present to class. A focus will be placed on how to transfer their new skills to other class presentations, school interviews, and cultivate poise for all areas of life.
Grades 5, 6, 7, 8
Walk the Land
Bea Troxel
Walk the Land is a class that encourages play and self-discovery, combining outdoor education with literature and art. Students will spend time outdoors learning about the trees and plants around them, gardening, and also creatively building poems, crafts, and ideas in tandem with nature.
Grade 5,6,7,8