Becky Gore


Math is a subject where skills build upon one another.  It's also a subject where repetition is essential - think of it as building a muscle in your brain.  With math classes in a tutorial format, time management is key.  I recommend evenly spacing lessons and homework throughout the week.  I will not require that homework be submitted until class time each week, unless it becomes necessary.  That means students will need to make sure they are planning their time wisely.  I suggest dedicating time each day to work on a lesson (watching videos and taking notes) and completing the practice and homework associated with it. It is best to complete one lesson at a time and let that information digest before moving on to the next lesson.  Attempting to save math lessons and homework until the day before class will most likely result in frustration and fatigue.  Please plan accordingly.  

Class time will be devoted to answering questions, going deeper into some subjects and doing fun hands on and group activities.


A binder with notes pages, homework and quizzes will be provided. Videos of each lesson will be posted via Google Classroom.  I will occasionally have students only do selected problems from the homework pages (especially in the weeks when we have a lot to cover) - these instructions will be posted on Google Classroom.

Supplies each student needs:

  • Loose leaf notebook paper
  • Loose leaf graph paper (preferably with holes punched)
  • Pencils
  • Colored pencils*
  • Scissors*
  • glue sticks*
  • Basic Calculator
  • (Optional) small box or pouch for supplies 

*I will have limited supplies of colored pencils, scissors and glue sticks to use in class, so students may prefer to have their own.

The curriculum we are using includes selections from the Math 7 Curriculum by All Things Algebra and Lindsay Perro's 7th Grade Math Curriculum.  


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