2017-18 Class Schedule
Grades listed are guidelines. Please select the appropriate class for your student based on academic level, not just age.
First Block - 8:45-10:10
General Science: Huneycutt (Grade 5)
Chemistry: Castro (Grade 6)
A Forensic Look Back at American Literature: Whiddon (Grade 7)
Critical Reading Towards Critical Writing: Conrad (Grades 8-9)
Second Block - 10:15-11:45
5th Grade Literature: Aldridge (Grade 5)
Literary Award Winners: Hayes (Grade 6)
Environmental Science: Gentry (Grade 7)
Physical Science: Donohue (Grade 8)
Lunch 11:45-12:10
Third Block - 12:10-1:25
Art History & Art: Truss/Goodwin (Grades 5-8)
Creative Writing: Scruggs (Grades 5-8)
Introduction to Spanish Language & Culture: Aldridge (Grades 5-7)
Math & Science Olympiad (Grades 5-8)
Fourth Block - 1:30-2:45
Art History & Art: Goodwin (Grades 5-8)
Geography: Hayes (Grades 5-8)
Math & Science Olympiad (Grades 5-8)
Spanish 1 (Grades 7-9) Completion of this course satisfies one year of the high school foreign language requirement.
All classes are offered provisionally. Each course requires enrollment of 12 students to be offered.
To view this schedule in grid format, click here.