General Science, taught by Brian Donohue
5th graders will cover seven discrete units of science ranging from the study of our world to the study of our solar system and several things in between. Additional emphasis will be placed on the skills middle school students need to succeed in science. Text(s) will be announced prior to open house in August.
Chemistry, taught by Jennifer Castro
6th graders will investigate the world of atoms and molecules through hands-on inquiry-based activities and molecular model animations. The primary text used for this course will be Middle School Chemistry.
Chemistry of Living Things, taught by Jen Gentry
7th and 8th graders will continue to solidify their understanding of science in preparation for their high school studies. Students will be introduced to the basic concepts of biology and then delve into the role of chemistry in the study of living things. Text(s) will be announced prior to open house in August.
Literature Through the Ages, taught by Rowena Aldridge
5th grade students will travel through literary time by reading selections from ancient, medieval, renaissance and modern authors. The tentative reading list includes Black Ships Before Troy, Beowulf: A New Telling, Alice in Wonderland, The Song of Hiawatha, The Wanderings of Odysseus, The Canterbury Tales, The Wizard of Oz and Anne of Green Gables. A final reading list will be available prior to open house in August.
Literary Winners, taught by Alyssa Hayes
6th grade students will read four teacher-selected books by Newbery Award winning authors. Students will then choose another book by the same author and compare writing styles, themes, etc. Author biographies may be incorporate for some units. A final reading list will be available prior to open house in August, but possible authors include Kate DiCamillo, Natalie Babbit, Jerry Spinelli, Elizabeth George Speare, Walter Dean Myers, Gary Paulsen, Jane Craighead George, Scott O'Dell and E.L. Konigsburg.
Literature and The Art of Writing, taught by Jamie Sumner
In preparation for high school, 7th and 8th grade students will read literature paired with various modes of writing, including: analytical, research, personal narrative, and creative. The tentative reading list includes The Great Gastby, Fahrenheit 451, Tuesdays with Morrie and Interpreter of Maladies. A final reading list will be available prior to open house in August.
American Civics, taught by Rowena Aldridge
What better time to learn about our political system than during an election year? Students in this class will study the electoral process in the fall semester and the legislative process in the spring semester, using case studies to guide them and make the American political process clear and applicable.
Math and Science Olympiad, taught by Jennifer Castro
Math Olympiad stimulates an enthusiasm and a love for math, strengthens math intuition and fosters mathematical creativity. Science Olympiad brings science to life, shows how science works and emphasizes problem solving. Students may compete in a contest in the spring against other teams from schools in our area. Students enrolled in this class will participate in math and science challenges in class, but may choose whether to compete in the broader competitions.
Pre-AP History, teacher TBA
This class will expose 7th and 8th grade students to tasks they will encounter in Advanced Placement History classes in high school. The course will use both American and European History to teach students document analysis, point of view analysis, reading for content and analytical writing.